These ancient tablets hold the secrets of our true history because they contain evidence of the oldest recorded events in history. The main focus of study is looking at the first occurrences of themes, stories and language found in the archeological record, and then comparing them to the historical record. The consistencies between them may reveal our true history. By looking at the original tablets, some dated thousands of years before the Bible, that were utilized to make up our borrowed stories.
The Sumerian was one of the first cultures of humankind. It was developed between 5300 BC and 2000 BC, it is still one of the most advanced civilizations known to have existed on Earth. Sitchin claims the cuneiform text describe an alien race named the “Anunnaki” who came to the earth from an undiscovered planet in our Solar System, beyond Neptune called Nibiru.
בתנך יש הקבה סיפורים חלקם הגדול אינם נכונים או שהם נגנבו מתרבות אחרת שהייהת קיימת לפני 5000 שנה והיא נכחדה
היא נמצא בעיקר בעיראק של היום אבל יש ראיות לאותה תרבות גם בישראל בסוריה ובמדינות רבות בעולם
Iraqi transport minister claims first airport was built 7,000 years ago in Iraq by ancient Sumerians
The Sumerians settled in the historical region of Mesopotamia, now south Iraq, in 5500 to 4000 BC