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גולן טלקום החלה בהרשמה ל"גולן בוקס" - ממיר טלוויזיה, אינטרנט וטלפון

Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:45 pm על ידי יוחנן המדביר הלאומי

גולן טלקום החלה בהרשמה ל"גולן בוקס" - ממיר טלוויזיה, אינטרנט וטלפון

גולן טלקום פונה לטריפל: חברת הסלולר פתחה אתר להרשמה מוקדמת לקבלת מידע על חבילה הכוללת ממיר טלוויזיה, אינטרנט וטלפוניה. מדובר בצעד שיווקי שכן המחירים טרם …

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שמוש בצלחת ישנה של יס

Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:03 pm על ידי davidh2

יש לי צלחת עם עינית של יס (אני מנותק מיס) שמחוברת לממיר. אני קולט טוב את הערוצים החופשיים בעיברית , המזרח התכון ועוד תחנת חדשות רוסית באנגלית.
האם ניתן בעזרת אותה עינית לקלוט לווין נוסף בעל תחנות חופשיות באנגלית?
אם כל …

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פורום זה פתוח רק לחברי קהילת הלווין הישראלית בלבד

Sun May 22, 2011 3:07 pm על ידי satworld

פורום זה פתוח רק לחברי קהילת הלווין הישראלית בלבד
מי שלא חבר לא רואה את כל הפורום או לא יכול להכנס אליו
חובה רישום בפורום ומשלוח 10 הודעות בפורום
הקבלה לקהילה היא על תנאי .
כל עוד מכבדים את התקנון ותקנות הקהילה .
עם החברות …

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ממיר המאפשר קליטת כל הערוצים הפרוצים כיום ללא שיתןף

Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:15 pm על ידי tomer_1968

איזה ממירים קיימים  התומכים בקליטת הערוצים הפרוצים כיום   האם קיוב קפה למשל תומך בכך תודה
צריך לקנות ממיר HD

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מבצע ההתקנות צלחת לווין יוצא לדרך עם עדיפות לחברי הקהילה

Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:40 am על ידי satworld

המבצע מיועד לחברי הקהילה
התקנת צלחות לווין לחברי הקהילה
המבצעת AME
בכל הארץ
טכנאים מטעם החברה עם אחריות של שנה
3שנים אחריות שנים לצלחות הלווין
שנה לדיסק
3.שנים אחריות שנים לכבלים

התקנת 2 צלחות עם 8 לווינים
צלחת מטר 1

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TOPFEILD 7700-7070 פעם ראשונה בעולם בשיתוף תודה ל DAVA

Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:30 am על ידי tizinabi

פעם ראשונה בעולם הצלחנו להפעיל שיתוף על טופפילד 7700HD
השיתוף שפועל הוא CAMD3
כולל HD
מנהל פרוייקט DVD מוריס ואושר
תודה ענקית ל DAVA שעשה ימים כלילות בכדי להפעיל אותו ולמדנו רבות מניסיונו
הרסנו ממיר HD אחד כזה במלך …

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Comments: 5

ערוצי הסקס בלווינים:

Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:53 am על ידי ROYALCONDOM

ערוצי הסקס בלווינים:

בתדר 11938 H -יש 4 ערוצי Redlight
בתדר 12092 H - יש 6 ערוצי SEX של חבילת Satisfaction


בתדר 11411 H - יש ערוץ Dorcel האיכותי וכן 5 ערוצי Sex On
בתדר 11727 V - יש 5 ערוצי Satisfaction (נסרקים בשם S1...S5 )
בתדר 12207 H - יש 2 ערוצי Free X ו Free X2
בתדר 10853 H - …

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Comments: 8

תקנון פורום קהילת הלווין הישראלית

Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:34 pm על ידי satworld

תקנון פורום קהילת הלווין הישראלית.
גולש יקר,
אנו מודים לך על כי בחרת להיכנס לאתר ולפורום היחיד של קהילת הלווין הישראלית "SATWORLD.TK" ו/או לכל עמוד ו/או מדור שלו, בין אם הכניסה אליהם היא דרך שם מתחם (Domain Name) www.SATWORLD.TKובין אם …

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maiai kohen

Sun Apr 03, 2022 1:15 am על ידי Anonymous

דרושים לעבודות קלדנות סקרים כתיבה 
תמלול פרטים בוואטצפ 0502322173

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חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה

Go down  הודעה [עמוד 1 מתוך 1]


satworld forum member

חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה ! לראות ולצחוק 
הטייסים טסים במטוסי קרב בני יותר מ 50 שנה
MIG-21 הדגמים הישנים ביותר וכן mig 15 ישנים

they have like 100 mig 29s and 60 mig 23s and the 150 mig 21s

Air bases[edit]

Northwestern area (1st Air Combat Division - HQKaechon)

Uiju Airfieldחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  17px-WMA_button2b40°08′59″N 124°29′53″E24th Bomber RegimentIl-28 (Harbin B-5s)
Panghyon Naamsiחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  17px-WMA_button2b39°55′57.517″N 125°12′24.804″E49th Fighter RegimentF-5A(MiG-17F)
Taechon Airfieldחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  17px-WMA_button2b39°54′12″N 125°29′13″E5th Air Transport Wing
Kaech'on Airfieldחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  17px-WMA_button2b39°44′45″N 125°53′43″EHQ, 1st Air Combat Command

35th Fighter Regiment

Fighter base with 2500 m runway.
Pukch'ang Airportחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  17px-WMA_button2b39°29′50″N 125°58′32″E60th Air Fighter Wing (1 ACC)

Air Transport Wing (5 TD)

This base was where most new Soviet fighter
aircraft were delivered during the 1960s.[12]
SamjangkolAir Transport Wing (6 TD)Mi-2
Sunchon Airportחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  17px-WMA_button2b39°24′43″N 125°53′25″E55th Air Fighter Wing (1 ACC)Su-25K/Su-25UBK/Su-7BMK
Kanch'onAir Transport Wing (6 TD)Mi-4/Z-5/Mi-8/Mi-17/Mi-2
West Coast and Pyongyang area (1st Air Combat Division) - HQ: Kaechon
Pyongyang is also the location of HQ, KPAAF

  • Uiju - 24th Air Regiment {Bomber} (H-5/Il-28, MiG-21PFM)

  • Kaechon - 35th Air Regiment {Fighter} {J-6/MiG-19)

  • Onchon - 36th Air Regiment {Fighter} (J-6/MiG-19)

  • Sunchon - 55th Air Regiment {Attack} (Su-25K), 57th Air Regiment {Fighter} (MiG-29/UB)

  • Panghyon - 49th Air Regiment {Fighter Bomber} (J-5/MiG-17F, MiG-21PFM, Mi-2)

  • Pukchang - 58th Air Regiment {Fighter} (MiG-23ML/UM), 60th Air Regiment {Fighter Bomber} (MiG-21Bis)

West coast and Pyongyang area (5th Transport Division) - HQ: Taechon

  • Taechon - ?? Air Regiment {Transport} (Y-5/An-2)

  • Kwaksan - ?? Air Regiment {Transport} (Y-5/An-2)

  • Kangdong - ?? Air Regiment {Bomber} (CJ-6/BT-6)

  • Sonchon - ?? Air Regiment {Helicopter} (Mi-2)

  • Pukchang East - 65th Air Regiment {Helicopter} (Mi-8T, Mi-26), 64th Air Regiment {Helicopter} (MD-500)

  • Pyongyang Sunan Intl - Special Service Air Transport Wing (KPAAF-CAAK) (Air Koryo) (Tu-134B/Tu-154B-2/Il-62M/Il-76MD/Il-18/An-24/An-148)

  • Mirim Airfield - ?? VIP Unit (Mi-17) This base serves as a light transport base and closed sometime in the 1990s, now used as a KPA training facility.

DMZ area (3rd Air Combat Division) - HQ: Hwangju

  • Chunghwa - Headquarters, Air Defense and Combat Command

  • Taetan - 4th Air Regiment {Fighter Bomber} (J-5/MiG-17F, MiG-21PFM, Mi-2)

  • Nuchon-ni - 32nd Air Regiment {Fighter Bomber} (J-5/MiG-17, MiG-21PFM, Mi-2)

  • Kwail - 33rd Air Regiment {Fighter Bomber} (J-5/MiG-17F), 11th Air Regiment {Fighter Bomber} (J-5/MiG-17F)

  • Hwangju - 50th Air Regiment {Fighter} (MiG-21PFM)

  • Koksan - 86th Air Regiment {Attack} (Q-5A)

  • Ayang-ni - 63rd Air Regiment {Attack Helicopter} (Mi-24D)

East Coast area (2nd Air Combat Division) - HQ: Toksan

  • Toksan - 56th Air Regiment {Fighter}(MiG-21PF/J-7/F-7)

  • Chanjin-Up - 25th Air Regiment {Bomber} (Il-28/H-5); ??th Air Regiment {Fighter} (MiG-21PFM)

  • Wonsan - 46th Air Regiment {Fighter}(MiG-21PFM,F-5), 66th Air Regiment {Helicopter} (Mi-14PL)

  • Kuum Ni - 71st Air Regiment {Fighter}(MiG-21PFM)

  • Hwangsuwon - 72nd Air Regiment {Fighter}(MiG-21PFM)

East Coast area (6th Transport Division) - HQ: Sondok

  • Sondok - ?? Air Regiment {Transport} (Y-5/An-2)

  • Yonpo - ?? Air Regiment {Transport} (Y-5/An-2)

  • Manpo - ?? Air Regiment {Transport} (Y-5/An-2)

  • Kuktong - ?? Air Regiment {Transport} (Y-5/An-2)

  • Kowon - Air Transport Wing (6 TD) (Z-5/Mi-4/Mi-8/Mi-17)

  • Pakhon - Air Transport Wing (6 TD) (Z-5/Mi-4/Mi-8/Mi-17/Mi-2)

Far Northeast area (8th Training Division) - HQ: Orang

[th]Combat Aircraft[/th][th]Transport[/th][th]Helicopters[/th][th]Trainer Aircraft[/th]
MiG-29Soviet Unionmultirole40[15]
MiG-23Soviet Unionfighter-bomber105[15]
MiG-21Soviet Unionfighter60[15]
Su-7Soviet Unionfighter-bomber18[15]
Ilyushin Il-28Soviet Unionmedium bomberH-580[15]Chinese-built variant designated the H-5
Shenyang F-5People's Republic of Chinafighter106[15]derivative of the MiG-17
Shenyang J-6People's Republic of ChinafighterF-697[15]licence built MiG-19
Chengdu J-7People's Republic of ChinafighterF-7120[15]licence built MiG-21
Antonov An-24Ukraineheavy transport1[15]
MD 500United Stateslight utility84[15]Aircraft were illegally obtained by circumventing U.S. export controls.[16]
PZL Mi-2Polandutility46[15]
Mil Mi-8Soviet Unionutility40[15]
Mil Mi-14Soviet UnionASW / SAR8[15]
Mil Mi-25Russiaattack50[15]
Mil Mi-26Russiatransport4[15]
Shenyang F-5People's Republic of Chinajet trainerFT-5135[15]
Shenyang FT-2People's Republic of Chinajet trainer30[15]Chinese production of the MiG-15UTI

נערך לאחרונה על-ידי akalpha74k בתאריך Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:36 pm, סך-הכל נערך פעם אחת


satworld forum member

  • MiG-17F/F-5: The MiG-17, and Shenyang F-5 are subsonic jet fighters. North Korea operates the basic variant, armed with 1 x 37 mm cannon and 2 x 23 mm cannons, with a total round supply of 200 rounds. There is no provision for AA missiles, although the fighter could be modified to carry two AA-2 Atoll missiles. It is outdated because of its low maximum speed and may lack radar and any sort of modern avionics. Due to lack of modern avionics it is defenseless in Beyond-Visual-Range combat, though its close range maneuverability makes it a powerful dogfighter. At least some have been modified into ground attack aircraft through the addition of two fuselage pylons.

  • F-6B/MiG-19: The Shenyang F-6B is a Chinese clear-weather, day fighter version of the Soviet MiG-19. It has a supersonic capability, and is armed with two AA-2 Atoll missiles as well as three 30 mm automatic cannons. Along with the F-5 and the MiG-21 it is equipped with a radar, which has very limited range and capabilities. Having a short range, small payload and outdated avionics, the aircraft is largely obsolete, as its tiny missile load and poor avionics do not measure up to those of American or South Korean aircraft. Due to lack of modern avionics, it is defenseless in Beyond-Visual-Range combat. At least some have been modified into ground attack aircraft through the addition of four fuselage pylons.

  • MiG-21: North Korea operates a large number of MiG-21PFMs, which are the country's most numerous fighter. The MiG-21PFM is one of the later versions of the original MiG-21, with many improvements over earlier models. It includes systems such as a radar warning receiver and IFF, which are necessary to wage a modern air war; other more modern components are lacking on this fighter, though. The PFM is armed with a GSh-23 cannon with 200 rounds, two AA-2 Atoll missiles, and has a provision for a Kh-66missile. At least 200 MiG-21s, including 30 built in China, are generally accepted as having been delivered to the KPAF.[citation needed] By 1966-67, 80 MiG-21F-13 were delivered, with the first 14 arriving in or before 1963. 65 MiG-21PFM were delivered 1968-1971 and 24 more in 1974. In May 1968, the United States estimated that a minimum of 400 fighter jets existed in the North Korean Air Force.[17] According to the US DIA, by 1977 there were a total of 120 MiG-21s in DPRK, but by 1983 this number had dropped to 50; 150 MiG-21PFM and MiG-21MF were reportedly delivered in 1985. According to one estimate,[citation needed] 150 MiG-21s are in service. 50 MiG-21 trainers of different variants were delivered, of which 30 are believed to be in service. In 1999, 38 MiG-21bis izdeliye 75A were delivered from Kazakhstan.[18] As of 2007, units known to be operating MiG-21s are:[19]

    • One squadron of 46th Air Regiment at Wonsan
    • Three squadrons of 56th Air Regiment at Toksan, flying J-7B, MiG-21PFM and MiG-21bis, but it is not known if the types are mixed or not.
    • One squadron of 60th Air Regiment at Pukch'ang
    • Three squadrons of 86th Air Regiment at Koksan flying MiG-21PF and MiG-21U
    • Three squadrons of an unidentified Air Regiment at Hwangju flying MiG-21PF and MiG-21U
    • An unidentified reconnaissance/electronic warfare regiment.

  • F-7B: The Chengdu F-7B is an improved Chinese-made copy of the Soviet MiG-21, armed with PL-7 AA missiles.

  • MiG-23ML: The MiG-23ML is a third-generation fighter with many improvements over previous models. It has a look-down capability and effective longer-range radars, as well as other more modern avionics. The ML is very maneuverable, has a large payload and with proper maintenance and good pilot quality can be on par with some newer fighter aircraft.

  • MiG-29B/UB: The MiG-29 is the KPAF's most modern fighter, possessing all types of modern avionics and weaponry. North Korea operates approximately 40 MiG-29B/UBs, which are in flying condition and are used mostly for the defence of Pyongyang's airspace. No other MiG-29 variants are confirmed to be flown, owned or purchased by the KPAF. However photographs obtained by a US RC-135 aircraft intercepted by MiG-29's in 2003 suggests that the KPAF may operate some MiG-29Ss[20]


  • Ilyushin Il-28: Having been developed in the late 1940s, the Il-28 (and the Chinese copy, the Harbin H-5) represents an old generation of bomber aircraft. North Korea originally received 24 Ilyushin Il-28 Beagles in 1960, and after that deliveries of the Chinese H-5 copy continued. The H-5 is a simple, robust, jet-engined bomber, capable of carrying up to 3,000 kilograms (6,600 lb) of bombs, including conventional, biological, chemical or nuclear. Its range is about 2,400 kilometres (1,500 mi), capable of hitting targets in most of Japan and all of South Korea. The bomber is supplied with a special aiming radar for the bombardier for precise targeting during poor visibility. Despite these advantages, it has a few grave drawbacks - a low maximum speed of 900 kilometres per hour (560 mph) and a fairly low ceiling of about 13,000 metres (43,000 ft), which renders the aircraft very vulnerable even to older types of SAMs and jet fighters. Despite this, it provides North Korea with a medium-range weapons platform. As of 2006, North Korea had 82 Il-28/H-5 of various types based at Changjin and Uiju.[21]

Ground attack aircraft[edit]

  • Su-7BMK: One of the first mass-produced Cold War-era Soviet ground attack aircraft, the Su-7BMK is a swept-wing aircraft for bombing missions and with a limited fighter capability. It is easy to maintain, but requires very long airfields due to its wing configuration. The Su-7 is generally obsolete. It can carry up to 2,000 kg of armament and is armed with 2x 30 mm cannons.

  • A/Q-5II: A ground attack fighter designed by China and based on the MiG-19, the A-5 has been in service since the 1970s. Like most of North Korea's aircraft, it is obsolete compared to most modern aircraft, lacking modern avionics and weaponry.

  • Su-25K: The Su-25K is the North's most modern strike/CAS aircraft.

Attack helicopters[edit]

  • MD 500D: The MD Helicopters MD 500D is a civilian helicopter which North Korea imported in 1985 by circumventing United States export controls. The airframe of the 500D was manufactured in South Korea, was assembled in the United States, and was purchased through a German export firm. The 500D has no attack capabilities, but it can be easily modified to assume the role of a gunship. Of the 87 500Ds North Korea imported, at least 60 are said to be modified in this manner. Although a modified 500D would be effective in the anti-personnel role, it only has a marginal chance of deterring lightly armored vehicles, so it is likely that the 500D would be used in a defensive role or employ guerrilla tactics. With a range of 605 km, the 500D should be capable of scouting much of the Korean Peninsula. However, as the civilian version lacks a radar, its role as an observation helicopter would be limited. The ROKA operates a military variant of the 500D known as the 500MD, which could lead to deceptive operations by the North Koreans if their 500Ds were painted with ROKA livery and infiltrated South Korea. Although there are slight differences between the airframes of the 500D and the 500MD, it would be difficult to differentiate between them if a soldier is unfamiliar with the differences or if the helicopter were flying at high speeds. However, this problem could be resolved if an IFF system is implemented, thereby further limiting the 500D's role as an observation helicopter.

  • Mi-2: Light transport and light combat helicopter. The Mi-2 Hoplite can be armed with PK M.Gs and 57 mm rocket pods and was able to provide close air support. 140 in service with the Korean People's Air Force and 7,200 of these aircraft were produced. This aircraft worked well as a transport and light utility helicopter with the ability to hold up to 8 fully armed men and a pilot. But the Mi-2 was not much more than that because its light armor made it vulnerable to small arms fire.

  • Mi-14: Derived from the flexible Mi-8 Hip design, the Mi-14 Haze is a naval development of the Mi-8, capable of ASW, mine sweeping and SAR roles. It is unclear what the KPAF's ASW arsenal consists of, but it is unlikely that their inventory contains equipment that are feasible in anti-submarine roles by modern standards. It is much more likely that the Mi-14 will be used in the SAR role, as it is unclear which variant of the Mi-14 the KPAF possesses.

  • Mi-24: Also a development from the Mi-8 design, the Mi-24 Hind is a very feasible gunship with troop-transport capability. Although it is unknown which variant of the Mi-24 the KPAF possesses, it is likely to be the Mi-24D Hind-D variant, the most common type of Mi-24 in service around the world. It can be internally equipped with a 12.7 mm Gatling gun, a door mounted machine gun, and has a payload capacity of 1500 kg that can consist of anti-tank missiles, gunpods, rocket launchers, bombs and IR guided AAMs. While the KPAF's anti-tank arsenal is unknown, they are likely to have at least a limited inventory to fit the Mi-24 as a capable attack helicopter. The Mi-24 also has a passenger compartment capable of accommodating up to 8 passengers, with armoured plates protecting this section. The flight performance of the Mi-24 is far from agile, and its mobility would further diminish when carrying the extra passengers. The Mi-24 has a range of 450 km, making it a capable attack helicopter that can cover much of the South Korean peninsula even with a feasible combat load. The Hind would be an excellent complement to the Su-25 Frogfoot ground attack aircraft, along with escort fighters. Because it is capable of transporting troops into the front lines, the Mi-24 Hind may also rescue injured soldiers to transport them for treatment. The Mi-24 is also capable of carrying R-60 "Aphid" IR guided AAMs for self-defense. Despite its age, the Mi-24 is still very much capable as a gunship and an anti-armour helicopter.

Special Forces[edit]

  • An-2: The Antonov An-2 is propeller driven cargo and utility aircraft, the world's largest biplane. Although primarily used in the civilian role as an agricultural and firefighting aircraft in other countries, the An-2 is capable of transporting up to 14 passengers in its rear compartment. The North Korean Special Forces possesses around 300 of these aircraft, and due to its 845 km range, it may be used by the KPAF to deploy special forces agents well behind the South Korean front lines. Because the An-2 is almost silent and can operate at very low speeds, the An-2 may also be used as a light bomber in addition to its ability to paratroop special forces agents. Since the An-2 is a STOL aircraft that requires minimal runway space, the airfields for the An-2 are less vulnerable compared to others and may be placed discreetly around North Korea.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles[edit]

North Korea is believed to operate some 300 reconnaissance drones and 10 attack UAVs.

  • Banghyeon: Banghyeon drones are remodeled Chinese D-4 UAVs with a fuselage measuring 3.6 m (12 ft) long, with a 4.8 m (16 ft) wingspan, and a top speed of 160 km/h (99 mph).[22]

  • Vega Shmel (Bumblebee): 10 Shmel-1 UAVs were bought from Russia in the 1990s. They have a range of 60 km (37 mi), a top speed of 150 km/h (93 mph), and are capable of carrying bombs.[22]

  • Sky-09: The Sky-09 is a Chinese commercial UAV acquired by North Korea and modified with a different paint scheme, a muffler to make it quieter, and different cameras. It weighs 12 kg (26 lb), has a delta wing configuration with a wingspan of 1.92 m (6.3 ft), and has a payload of 3 kg (6.6 lb). It is launched using a catapult, can operate in a robotic mode to fly over pre-programmed GPS coordinates to take photos, and lands using a parachute. Endurance is 90 minutes and top speed is 90 km/h (56 mph). When controlled, the Sky-09 can operate 40 km (25 mi) from its controller, but can travel 60 km (37 mi) in robotic mode.[23]

  • MQM-107 Streaker: North Korea reportedly acquired MQM-107 Streaker target-towing drones from a middle-eastern country, probably Syria, to develop unmanned attack aircraft based on the Streakers technology. According to Fox News, the South Korean "Yonhap" News Agency reported that "It's North Korea's powerful military placed explosives on the drones in a number of tests, but was yet to master the technology." [24]

The DoD's annual report to congress about North Korea's military capabilities states that North Korean press reported that the UAV was capable of carrying out precision strikes by ramming a target.[25]

  • There are three other smaller UAVs that have been identified, Panghyon (1 and 2), Tupolev Tu-143 and Turumi[2


satworld forum member


חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  220px-R-23T_missile_on_MiG-23_underwing_pylon

The KPAAF use the R-23 missile similar to this one

[th]Name[/th][th]Origin[/th][th]Type[/th][th]Notes[/th][th]Air-to-air missile[/th][th]Air-to-surface missile[/th]
R-27חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_Russia.svg Russiaair-to-air missile60 medium-range missiles[27]
R-73חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_Russia.svg Russiaair-to-air missile
R-60חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg Soviet Unionair-to-air missile190 missiles[27]
K-13חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg Soviet Unionair-to-air missile1050 missiles[27]
R-23חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg Soviet Unionair-to-air missile250 missiles[27]
KN-09חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_North_Korea.svg North Koreaair-to-surface missile
Kh-35חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg URS חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_Russia.svg Russiaair-to-surface missile
Kh-28חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg URSair-to-surface missile
Kh-23חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg URSair-to-surface missile
Kh-25חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg URSair-to-surface missile

Air Defense[edit]

North Korea has deployed a wide range of SAM and AAA systems ranging from the oldest Soviet designs to highly mobile and modern examples. Most SAM systems are of Soviet design lineage with some locally produced designs, while AA artillery is from both Soviet and local suppliers. MANPADS are used extensively, with over 15,000 units fielded according to a 1995 Pentagon report on the country.[citation needed] North Korea has one of the most extensive integrated air defence systems (IADS) in the world, with many of its radars and launchers positioned on fortified elevating platforms, its aircraft positioned in hardened bunkers and even two underground airbases, and some level of coverage for every town.[28] The addition of the KN-06 SAM, which was flight-tested in the spring of 2011, and a local model of the Pechora 2 (Upgraded SA-3), unveiled at a 2012 military parade have notably expanded the systems capabilities. According IHS Jane's Defence Weekly currently has on 2014 two different more updated system: the KN-06/Ponghae-5 was probably related to the Chinese HQ-16A system, while the Ponghae-6 could be related with the HQ-9 or the Russian S-300.[29]


[th]Name[/th][th]Origin[/th][th]Type[/th][th]Quantity[/th][th]Notes[/th][th]SAM[/th][th]Air Defence Artillery[/th][th]Radars[/th]
KN-06חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_North_Korea.svg North KoreaLR-SAM
S-200חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg Soviet UnionSAM system75 missiles[27]
Bukחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_Russia.svg RussiaMR SAM[30]
Kubחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg Soviet UnionMR SAM
S-125 Neva/Pechoraחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_Russia.svg RussiaSAM system300 missiles[27]
2K11 Krugחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg Soviet UnionSAM system
S-75 Dvinaחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg Soviet UnionSAM system1950 missiles[27]
S-25 Berkutחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg Soviet UnionSAM system
SA-13חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg Soviet UnionSAM systemUpgraded with two four-missile pods.[31]
SA-7חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_Russia.svg RussiaMANPADS4000 units[27]
SA-16 9K310 Igla-1חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_Russia.svg RussiaSAM systemProduced locally
ZSU-57-2חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg Soviet Unionself-propelled250[27]tracked self-propelled anti-aircraft system
ZSU-23-4חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg Soviet Unionself-propelled248[27]tracked self-propelled anti-aircraft system
SAIRAN Kashefחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  23px-Flag_of_Iran.svg Iranearly warning radar


The KPAF operates a wide range of fighter and attack aircraft. North Korea is one of the few nations still operating the obsolete MiG-17 and MiG-19 fighters, yet it operates more modern and fairly capable MiG-23 and MiG-29 fighters. The KPAF's most numerous fighter is the MiG-21, which is somewhat obsolete but still a worthy foe in air-to-air combat, if maintained properly and crewed by experienced pilots. An assessment by US analysts GlobalSecurity.org reported that the air force "has a marginal capability for defending North Korean airspace and a limited ability to conduct air operations against South Korea."[32] Yet, North Korea operates a wide variety of air defence equipment, from short-range MANPADS and ZPU-4 machine guns, to long-range SA-5 Gammon SAM systems and large-calibre AA artillery guns. DPRK has one of the densest air defence networks in the world. Ilyushin Il-28 Beagle bombers provide a medium-range attack platform, despite being generally obsolete. A large part of the ground attack aircraft are kept in heavily fortified hangars, some of which are capable of withstanding a nearby nuclear blast. Stealth capacity is known in the KPAF through researching in radar-absorbing paint and inventory deception.[33]

Ranks and uniforms[edit]


The Korean People's Air and Anti-Air Forces has five categories of ranks; general officers, senior officers, junior officers, Non-commissioned Officers, and airmen.


The airman and NCO ranks are aircraftman, leading aircraftman, senior aircraftman, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, flight sergeant and master aircrew.
חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Master_Aircrew_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Flight_Sergeant_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Sergeant_rank_insignia_%28North_Korean_Air_Force%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Junior_Sergeant_rank_insignia_%28North_Korean_Air_Force%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Corporal_rank_insignia_%28North_Korean_Air_Force%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Senior_Aircraftman_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Leading_Aircraftman_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Aircraftman_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svg
Ranks in KoreanT'ŭkmu-sangsa
RanksMaster AircrewFlight SergeantSergeantJunior SergeantCorporalSenior AircraftmanLeading AircraftmanAircraftman


Junior officer ranks are junior lieutenant, lieutenant, first lieutenant and captain.
Senior officer ranks are major, lieutenant colonel, colonel and brigader.
General officer ranks are major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, and general of the air force.
חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-General_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Colonel_General_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Lieutenant_General_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Major_General_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Senior_Colonel_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Colonel_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Lieutenant_Colonel_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Major_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Captain_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Senior_Lieutenant_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Lieutenant_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Junior_Lieutenant_of_the_Air_Force_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svg
Ranks in KoreanTaejang
RanksGeneral of the Air ForceColonel GeneralLieutenant GeneralMajor GeneralBrigadierColonelLieutenant ColonelMajorCaptainFirst LieutenantSecond LieutenantThird Lieutenant


Occasionally KPA Air Force officers promoted above General of the Air Force. In that case, they wear army-style uniform, since ranks from Vice-Marshal and above are not divided into army, navy and air force.[34]
[th][/th][th]Supreme commanders[/th][th]Marshals[/th]
חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Generalissimo_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Marshal_of_the_DPRK_rank_insignia.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Marshal_of_the_KPA_rank_insignia.svgחיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  75px-Vice-Marshal_rank_insignia_%28North_Korea%29.svg
Ranks in KoreanTae wonsu
Konghwaguk Wonsu
RanksGeneralissimoMarshal of the DPRKMarshal of the KPAVice Marshal


Generally as a separate service in the KPA the service wears the same KPA uniforms but with air force blue Soviet styled Peaked caps (especially for officers) or kepi-styled capsfor men and berets for women, worn with their full dress uniforms. Ushanka-type headwear maybe used during winter months. Pilots wear helmets, leather jackets and flight suits when on parade and when in flight duty while air defense personnel wear the same duty dress uniforms as their ground forces counterparts but with air force blue borders on the caps.


חיל האוויר האדיר של צפון קוראה  220px-No_Kum-sok%2C_1953

No Kum-Sok wearing his flight suit. MiG-15 pilots did not wear g-suits orhard-shell helmets

Due to the political condition of North Korea, several North Korean pilots from the KPAF defected with their jets. These incidents include:

  • On September 21, 1953, 21-year-old No Kum-sok, a senior lieutenant, flew his MiG-15 across to the South and landed at Kimpo Air Base near Seoul. Considered an intelligence bonanza, since this fighter plane was then the best the Communist bloc had. No was awarded the sum of $100,000 (equivalent to $895,149 in 2016) and the right to reside in the United States. He is now a U.S. citizen.

  • On August 5, 1960, a Shenyang J-5 landed at Kimpo, the second time a J-5 appeared in South Korea. This aircraft was kept by South Korea and was briefly flown in South Korean markings before being scrapped.

  • In February 1983, Lee Ung-Pyong used a training exercise to defect and landed his Shenyang J-6 at an airfield in Seoul. According to the then common practice, he received a commission in the South Korean Air Force eventually becoming a colonel and taught at the South Korean academy until his death in 2002. He received a reward of 1.2 billion South Korean won.

  • On May 23, 1996, Captain Lee Chul-Su defected with another Shenyang J-6, number 529, to Suwon Air BaseSouth Korea. He reportedly left behind his wife and two children. Lee was rewarded 480 million South Korean Won (approx. $614,000 US dollars[35]equivalent to $938,153 in 2016). He is now a colonel in the ROKAF and is an academic instructor.[36]

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