Connect your HDD
2.Telnet to your box, execute mount - usually your HDD is sda1
3.In the list check - if the /dev/sda1 is mounted
4.unmount it - umount /mnt/hdd execute fdisk /dev/sda
6.on the prompt press p - to see current partition table d - to delete partitions, if it is only one proceed, if not - press d again and delete all partitons p again - there will be no partitons now n - to create new partition p - primary 1 enter, enter w to write changes & exit
14.format this partition - mkfs.ext2 -I 128 /dev/sda1
15.mount formatted partition again - mount -t ext2 /dev/sda1 /mnt/hdd
Now you are ready to ftp files,videos and etc...
use Putty and no problems with formatting process...
צריך להשתמש ב TELNET
For info if you havea big HDD and the following error message: "Memory allocation failed while setting up superblock", it means that an active swap is mandatory to achieve formatting.
After rebooting execute the following commands:
1. You may have to unmount /dev/sda1 first: umount /dev/sda1
2. Create root file system: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1
3. Create a swap space: mkswap /dev/sda2
4. If necessary, use this swap space now: swapon /dev/sda2
5. Create the home file system: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda3 [This will take longest.]
Reboot again.
When you log in with FTP, you're located in /root (not into /)
double click on parent directory ( noted .. ) , and you'll be into /
From there, you should find all sub-directories, including /media or /hdd**************
The folder called MEDIA contain sub folder,
this is the HDD folder,
I dont know what of the instruction (uniqad and/or michelD ) but now the HDD works,
I just didnt know its in MEDIA,
Thank you all again,
and just for all newbi to know Im now with SIFTEAM r11992