Chameleon2 is an advanced sharing protocol developed by Butter-Team, the creators of the Newcs softcam/server.
This protocol lets you add users or peers to connect to other cards. Chameleon2 intelligently spiders cards in your network and decides for you if cards are shareable from your position. If you are too far away from a certain card, Chameleon2 will disallow access to it, effectively load-balancing traffic on the Chameleon2 network. Want to get closer to a certain card? Add users or peers with your desired card.
This effectively stops all "hop" lingo which runs havoc on other protocols. You know: I have this or that card on this many hops... The truth is, these "hop" settings in other protocols can be circumvented with certain "hopless" clients. The protocols these clients use have no or bad load-balancing, which sometimes results in real raids on popular cards.