1. Start Program / Run/ enter "cmd.exe" - this will start a command window (black background typically).
2. in command window enter
mkdir d:\dreamboxshare
mkdir d:\dreamboxshare\movie
net share mymovies=d:\dreamboxshare /unlimited
mymovies is the name the dreambox will see and
d:\dreamboxshare is the shared directory. It HAS to have a directory "movie" below it, which is where the movies will be recorded.
Note forward and back slashes - it is important.
That is the PC prepared. Remember that this share is public and can be seen by any device on the network (including the Dreambox or other STB).
1. On remote press: Menu/Setup/Expert Setup/Communication Setup then press blue button or navigate to "mounts" and press enter. This displays the "Mount Manager". (Gemini)
2. In the "IP" line enter the IP address of the PC you prepared as above.
2a. Select "Cifs" in box to right of IP.
3. Highlight "dir" line and press enter. Key in "mymovies" in the Dir field.
4. In "Local Dir" key in "/media/hdd" or "/hdd". This depends on your STB but should be "/media/hdd" on Dreambox.
5. In "Options" select "rw" - VERY IMPORTANT
6. In "User" and "Password" enter a username and password that have access to your PC.
7. Click on "AutoMount" if you want the share to be automatically mounted when you restart the Dreambox. (must be ticked for automount).
8. Press yellow button to save.
9. Press green button to mount.
Make sure you get no error messages. If it all worked, you should now be able to record on your PC without any special software.
The same method can be used to mount a Windows compatible NAS drive. By using Cifs you do not need a NFS NAS drive (which is typically much more expensive than the Windows versions).