The Annunaki theory tells a different story. The Annunaki came to Earth to mine for minerals, primarily gold, on which most of their technology was based, and which was in short supply on their home planet Nibiru. Nibiru passes close to Earth every 3,600 years — the rest of the time, its highly elliptical orbit carries it well outside our solar system. It was during one of these 3,600 year “fly-bys” the Annunaki came to Earth to mine for gold. But the mining was hard work, and after a few thousand years, the Annunaki tired of it, and started looking for a convenient source of slave labour. Their solution was to take the most highly evolved primate species on the Earth at the time, and graft their own genes on to it. The result was the first humans, who resembled the Annunaki (but were much shorter) because they were “created in God’s image” as the bible says. Some scholars believe the original text of the bible says humans were created in “the gods’ image” meaning gods plural, which would be more historically accurate, given there were many Annunaki. Over time, the Annunaki inter-bred with their creations (our ancestors), so that they came to resemble Annunaki more and more, and the apes they had evolved from, less and less. When the Bible says “There were giants in the Earth, in those days”, iit is referring to the Annunaki, and their offspring.