Paying my ticket at the Reading Pa. Parking pennies!So I went to pay a $35.00 ticket today at the Reading Pa. Parking Authority pennies. Needless to say they informed me that they do not accept pennies, nickels or dimes. I plan on challenging this "policy" in court . To my understanding United States currency is good for "All debts , public or private", meaning they must accept my currency as payment for my debt.
The Reading Parking Authority has been taking advantage of the citizens of this city for a very long time unchallenged. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Their bogus policies (and this is out of city councils mouths) are ok'ed by city council before they can take effect . Which also means they have the power to put a stop to it.
I'll be in court for these alleged parking tickets soon enough and I'm sure I'll be filing suit when it comes to other issues with their policies which violate our constitutional rights.
Please share this photo and video and hope it gets into the right hands!!! If we want change in this city we have to challenge authorities and the powers that be to make this change happen.