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גולן טלקום החלה בהרשמה ל"גולן בוקס" - ממיר טלוויזיה, אינטרנט וטלפון

Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:45 pm על ידי יוחנן המדביר הלאומי

גולן טלקום החלה בהרשמה ל"גולן בוקס" - ממיר טלוויזיה, אינטרנט וטלפון

גולן טלקום פונה לטריפל: חברת הסלולר פתחה אתר להרשמה מוקדמת לקבלת מידע על חבילה הכוללת ממיר טלוויזיה, אינטרנט וטלפוניה. מדובר בצעד שיווקי שכן המחירים טרם …

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שמוש בצלחת ישנה של יס

Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:03 pm על ידי davidh2

יש לי צלחת עם עינית של יס (אני מנותק מיס) שמחוברת לממיר. אני קולט טוב את הערוצים החופשיים בעיברית , המזרח התכון ועוד תחנת חדשות רוסית באנגלית.
האם ניתן בעזרת אותה עינית לקלוט לווין נוסף בעל תחנות חופשיות באנגלית?
אם כל …

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פורום זה פתוח רק לחברי קהילת הלווין הישראלית בלבד

Sun May 22, 2011 3:07 pm על ידי satworld

פורום זה פתוח רק לחברי קהילת הלווין הישראלית בלבד
מי שלא חבר לא רואה את כל הפורום או לא יכול להכנס אליו
חובה רישום בפורום ומשלוח 10 הודעות בפורום
הקבלה לקהילה היא על תנאי .
כל עוד מכבדים את התקנון ותקנות הקהילה .
עם החברות …

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ממיר המאפשר קליטת כל הערוצים הפרוצים כיום ללא שיתןף

Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:15 pm על ידי tomer_1968

איזה ממירים קיימים  התומכים בקליטת הערוצים הפרוצים כיום   האם קיוב קפה למשל תומך בכך תודה
צריך לקנות ממיר HD

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מבצע ההתקנות צלחת לווין יוצא לדרך עם עדיפות לחברי הקהילה

Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:40 am על ידי satworld

המבצע מיועד לחברי הקהילה
התקנת צלחות לווין לחברי הקהילה
המבצעת AME
בכל הארץ
טכנאים מטעם החברה עם אחריות של שנה
3שנים אחריות שנים לצלחות הלווין
שנה לדיסק
3.שנים אחריות שנים לכבלים

התקנת 2 צלחות עם 8 לווינים
צלחת מטר 1

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TOPFEILD 7700-7070 פעם ראשונה בעולם בשיתוף תודה ל DAVA

Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:30 am על ידי tizinabi

פעם ראשונה בעולם הצלחנו להפעיל שיתוף על טופפילד 7700HD
השיתוף שפועל הוא CAMD3
כולל HD
מנהל פרוייקט DVD מוריס ואושר
תודה ענקית ל DAVA שעשה ימים כלילות בכדי להפעיל אותו ולמדנו רבות מניסיונו
הרסנו ממיר HD אחד כזה במלך …

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ערוצי הסקס בלווינים:

Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:53 am על ידי ROYALCONDOM

ערוצי הסקס בלווינים:

בתדר 11938 H -יש 4 ערוצי Redlight
בתדר 12092 H - יש 6 ערוצי SEX של חבילת Satisfaction


בתדר 11411 H - יש ערוץ Dorcel האיכותי וכן 5 ערוצי Sex On
בתדר 11727 V - יש 5 ערוצי Satisfaction (נסרקים בשם S1...S5 )
בתדר 12207 H - יש 2 ערוצי Free X ו Free X2
בתדר 10853 H - …

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תקנון פורום קהילת הלווין הישראלית

Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:34 pm על ידי satworld

תקנון פורום קהילת הלווין הישראלית.
גולש יקר,
אנו מודים לך על כי בחרת להיכנס לאתר ולפורום היחיד של קהילת הלווין הישראלית "SATWORLD.TK" ו/או לכל עמוד ו/או מדור שלו, בין אם הכניסה אליהם היא דרך שם מתחם (Domain Name) www.SATWORLD.TKובין אם …

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maiai kohen

Sun Apr 03, 2022 1:15 am על ידי Anonymous

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Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19?

Go down  הודעה [עמוד 1 מתוך 1]

1Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19? Empty Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19? Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:51 am



Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19?

My opinion is that you keep the correct levels of vitamin D in your body. Now a days, due to staying indoors, it is possible that you will develop the deficiency of vitamin D. Get this checked by your doctor and use the correct dose to stay healthy.

Here are my notes:
Daily 10 microgram or 400 IU/Day

Lippincott’s Biochemistry Review 4th Edition. Page 388
Daily 5 mg of cholecalciferol or 200 IU of Vitamin D.

However, 800 IU/Day is shown to reduce the incidence of osteoporotic fractures.
800 IU/Day recommended by the Institute of Medicine to maintain bone health.

Frank deficiency is when the levels of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25OHD) is less than 20 ng/mL (50 mmol/L)

No consensus that the oral vitamin D supplements are helpful

Ergocalciferol from plants is called Vitamin D2
Cholecalciferol from the animal tissue is called Vitamin D3

7 deidro-cholesterol to (UV light) to cholecalciferol (D3) to 25 hydroxylase in liver to 25 OH D to -hydroxycholecalciferol 1-hydroxylase in kidney to 1,25 DiOH D3

Vitamin D Receptors are abbreviated to VDR in the notes. These are cytosolic receptors.

Deficiency of vitamin D makes people more susceptible to respiratory tract infections.
Vitamin D supplement can reduce these infections by 12%
Keep in mind, this is for those who are deficient in this vitamin. If you are not deficient, then it will not make a difference. Because, you are already good.
Evidence is not sufficient to say that vitamin D helps prevent respiratory infections.

2018 Study
People with autoimmune diseases commonly have hypovitaminosis D

What are cathelicidins?

What are beta defensins?

2011 Study

Activation of TLR and PAMPs on macrophages increases the production of 1, alpha hydroxylase and the VDR. This in turn causes more production of cathelicidine and beta defensins 4.

Vitamin D also affects monocytes to reduce production of IL1, IL6, IL8, IL12, and TNF. Regulating the immune response.

Vitamin D acts on the dendritic cells to inhibit/reduce their differentiation and maturation. It reduces their MHCII expression, co-stimulatory molecules like CD40, CD80, CD86, decreased production of IL-12 etc.

2013 Study
Vitamin D improves immune system by helping produce cathelicidine and by helping modulate inflammatory cascade. Especially for the respiratory infections.
It also helps produce NFk-B (nuclear factor kappa light chain for activated B cells.)

Notes about the NFkB
Helps with cytokine production and cell survival.
NFk-B factor becomes active when T and B cell receptors become active. Its activation causes the gene expressions that allow T cell development, maturation, and proliferation.
T and B cells have Vitamin D receptors that help them produce NFk-B

Continuing the notes from the study:
In pulmonary infections. Lung epithelial cells are able to convert inactive vitamin D to its active form. This active Vitamin D then helps produce cathelicidine. Which helps kill the pathogens.

Vitamin D seems to favor TH2 and TH17 cell activation which is anti-inflammatory profile.
Vitamin D seems to reduce the activation of TH1 cells which are pro inflammatory by their IFN-gamma action.
A deficiency of vitamin D may dysregulate the inflammatory response of the body.

Vitamin B also increases the IkBa. This leads to inhibition of NFkB. This helps reduce the production of IL6 and IL8 by inhibiting the production of NFkB.

2Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19? Empty Re: Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19? Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:52 am



3Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19? Empty Re: Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19? Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:54 am



Today, I want to introduce you the importance of Vitamin D.

As I have already introduced, Japanese people love mushrooms of all kind.

I've been told that "eat mushroom everyday if you don't want to catch a cold" since I was a child.

This study shows how Japanese Moms are right:

A Review of Mushrooms as a Potential Source of Dietary Vitamin D

Place Mushrooms in Sunlight to Get Your Vitamin D
※It's very common way to treat mushrooms in Japan.

As you already know, we live long, and the mortality rate of COVID 19 is relatively lower in our country.

I think our immune system is stronger than the other county based on the traditional diet.

I hope the video is helpful!

Stay safe!

Frozen meal prep video:

Maitake and beef rice bowl

Check my Social Media for daily update!



Check out my store on Amazon!
You will find what I am using in my video.

※Kitchen Princess Bamboo earn small amount of commission from the store. The profit is saved for "Give Away"!

music:youtube music library

jingle by:

Sharing output get better skills.
Thanks! Love from Japan♡

4Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19? Empty Re: Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19? Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:55 am



To download John's e text books, please go to https://campbellteaching.co.uk/ebooks/

Public Health England
Vitamin D recommendations

Vit D and COVID

Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths.

Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency in US adults


About 42% of the US population is vitamin D deficient. However, this rate rises to 82% in black people and 70% in Hispanics

Vit D deficiency in Ireland
Vitamin D is essential for bone and muscle health

Arizona University



5Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19? Empty Re: Could Vitamin D Help with COVID-19? Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:56 am



Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Should you take Vitamin D and Vitamin C?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Should you take Vitamin D and Vitamin C?

Does colder temperature make you more prone to getting a cold? Or COVID-19?
Most health experts agree that when it’s cold, people spend more time indoors and in close contact with other people, and this likely increases the spread of germs.
Also, experts believe that our immune system may be more active when our body is warmer, as in during the summer months.

Back in 2007, there was this study…
In this one particular study looking at the spread of the influenza virus, they put guinea pigs together in a chamber and carried out different environmental experiments on them. They found that low relative humidities of 20%–35% were most favorable for infection, while the transmission was completely blocked at high humidity of 80%.
They also found that when guinea pigs were kept at 5 °C, transmission occurred with greater frequency than at 20 °C, while at 30 °C, no transmission was detected.
The authors concluded that low relative humidities produced by indoor heating and cold
temperatures favored the spread of the influenza virus.

I also want to add, that cold weather, by itself, can cause a runny nose without necessarily
having a cold, and this allows for the virus so be carried in those secretions, which probably facilitates transmission.
40% of common colds are caused by rhinoviruses. The second most common cause of
cold is the coronavirus, the normal one, not this novel coronavirus, aka SARS-CoV-2.
Its been shown that the rhinovirus reproduces more quickly at cooler temperatures means you might catch a cold more quickly if you’re chilly.

And this probably applies to the coronavirus as well.

It's likely that with the combination of all of these 5 factors, meaning, cooler temp, lower
humidity, people staying indoors more often in winter months, cold weather causing runny noses and our immune system is more active when it's warmer, these combinations of factors likely explain why colds, flu,, and COVID-19 are more likely to cause infections in the winter months.
But there is likely a 6th factor as well. And that is vitamin D.
Our bodies don’t normally make vitamin D unless we get sunlight. In the winter months, for most of us in this world, we don’t get enough sunlight to make enough vitamin D. Unless you live in a warm climate, then maybe you are the exception. So if you aren’t getting enough sunlight in the winter months, that means you have to get enough vitamin D in your diet. And if you don’t do that, you will have low vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D helps regulate or Calcium levels and is important for bone and muscle health. It also plays a role in regulating our immune system, but its exact role is not known.

Why is this important when it comes to the common cold, flu, and perhaps with this novel
the coronavirus that’s causing COVID-19?
Well, vitamin D doesn’t affect these viruses themselves. Instead, it affects our immune systems.

So what is my recommendation for taking Vitamin D?
The best thing to do is check with your doctor to see if you might have low vitamin D, and if it is low, you’ll def need to get more vitamin D, especially during the winter months.

Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is vital to the function of white blood cells that help to fight infections, and overall immune system health. Vitamin C is also important for iron absorption, and being deficient in iron can make you more vulnerable to infections in general.
The normal, recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults from the diet and/or supplements is 75 to 120 mg. You can get about 80 to 90 mg from a cup of orange juice or sliced orange, or even more from kiwi fruit, or a cup of sweet peppers.

Zinc has become one of the most popular suggestions for reducing symptoms of coronavirus.
There have been conflicting results about the effect of zinc on the severity and duration of cold symptoms.
Some studies showed that zinc reduces the duration of a cold by half, while others showed no effect. Another study found that the type of zinc taken determined the result—zinc gluconate lozenges that provided 13.3 milligrams (mg) of zinc lessened the duration of colds, but zinc acetate lozenges that provided 5 mg or 11.5 mg of zinc did not.

Note: Please watch the whole video to get the proper details, for the character limitation of the youtube description, I couldn't provide the whole details, so I suggest you to watch the whole video

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