Eutelsat has confirmed that the launch campaign of its Ka-Sat satellite by an ILS Proton Breeze M vehicle has resumed at the Baïkonour Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
Launch is scheduled in the night of 26 to 27 December 2010 (21.51 GMT on December 26, 03.51 in Baïkonour on December 27). Spacecraft separation will occur approximately 9 hours, 12 minutes after liftoff.
Joint operations in Baikonour by ILS, Khrunichev, Eutelsat and Astrium, which began on November 20, for an initially scheduled launch on 20 December, were interrupted pending the conclusions from the Russian State Commission on the Glonass mission of December 5.
There will be a webcast to watch the launch live. Viewers in Europe, North Africa, Middle East can follow the launch on Hot Bird 8 (Downlink frequency 12149 MHz, vertical polarisation, symbol rate 27500; FEC ¾) . The video transmission from Baikonour will begin approximately 20 minutes before liftoff.