Sorry for the glare. It's not an area I usually film in, and the lighting was reflecting off the metal chassis. This was also a spontaneous unplanned video.
I didn't realise how far LCD TVs had evolved since I last looked inside one. They have been stripped back to the minimum of standard modules. Mainly the power supply and signal processor.
This means that repairing them has become a board swapping exercise. They're so standardised that salvaged and new boards cost less than the time to trace faults on the PCB itself.
This TV is my neighbour's. I'll take it back to her tomorrow, but have ordered a spare power card as a precaution. I'm not sure if it was a rogue LED issue or if the power card has an intermittent problem. It resolved itself before I could trace it.
I'm not sure I want to get involved in changing the LEDs as it looks quite an irksome job removing the screen layers and avoiding dust getting in between them.