What follows is nothing dangerous or complicated to make, but will require basic knowledge of Linux:
1) We entered through telnet (or ssh) to the DM. The login / password by default is usually root / dreambox.
2 º) First of all, we must get rid of that comes standard cam (dccamd). We do this with the command:
ipkg purge dreambox-dccamd
3rd) transferred by FTP the binary CCcam to the directory: / usr / bin
4th) We execute permissions to binary:
chmod x / usr / bin / CCcam
5 º) Edited by FTP and then transfer the configuration file CCcam.cfg to the directory: / etc
6 º) Optional: we can transfer other files via FTP CCcam.providers CCcam.prio CCcam.channelinfo , etc directory: / etc
7th) Edit the file that runs automatically when you start the cam dreambox with the command:
vi / etc / init.d / bootup
8th) We and comment (we put # before) the line:
# / usr / bin / wdog / usr / bin / dccamd -
9th) Below that line add this one:
/ usr / bin / CCcam
10th) Reboot the DM:
I have this running in the Original DM500HD firmware image from dream multimedia !