דרים מולטימדיה טוענת שקיוריבו העתיקה ממנה חלקים גדולים בתוכנה השייכת לה כדין וכחוק
טענות דומות הושמעו כלפי VU+
וגם כלפי זייפנים סינים.
דרים מולטימדיה בצעד חסר תקדים החליטה השבוע לסגור את התוכנה לחלוטין
כלום לא ידלוף יותר לאינטרנט.
מעכשיו והלאה התוכנה תפותח באופן בלעדי על ידי דרים מולטימדיה בלבד
והתוכנה תהיה נעולה וסגורה ולא ניתנת להעתקה
כבר עכשיו קשה מאוד להעתיק את התוכנה לדרימבוקס 7020HD
ENIGMA 2 3.2 הגירסה החדשה מעשה מביאה מוות לצמיתות לדרים מולטימדיה עצמה
כי אף לא יקנה ממיר שמפותח רק על ידי היצרן
כי כולם מכירים מה זה התמיכה הגרועה של דרים מולטימדיה .
דרים מולטימדיה נלחמת בזייפנים על חשבון הצרכנים הקטנים
זה אומר שאין יותר קבוצות תמיכה אין יותר עידכונים פתוחים ולא אימגים חדשים למעט ממירים סיניים
הסינים יצטרכו לבנות בעצם מערכת הפעלה (אימגים) כולל תמיכה לכול הממירים שלהם.
העולם של החובבנים מתרעם על ההחלטה של דרים מולטידיה
מצד שני הם מבינים את הצורך של החברה להגן על הנכסים שלה
במיוחד מול VU האגרסיבית שגנבה לה מדע וידע רב
עכשיו ל VU תהיה בעיה לפתח דבר בלי קוד
עולם החובבנים הישראלי וגם בעולם דורשים עכשיו להעניש את דרים מולטימדיה
ולא לפתח לה דבר.
קבוצות מישראל דורשים לפתח עכשיו ממיר HTPC לינוקס עם תמיכה בעברית
שיהיה דומה ל דרימבוקס או שיהיה מבוסס ANDROID
בעולם יש הרבה פרוייקטים כאלה
הינה כמה דוגמאות :
VDR=video disk recorder המקור שעליו מבוססת אניגמה
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XBMC תוכנת media center שמבוססת על נגנים שקיימים בלינוקס כמו mplayer
שפותחה בישראל
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[img] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/img]
XBMC is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media player and entertainment hub for digital media. XBMC is available for Linux, OSX, and Windows. Created in 2003 by a group of like minded programmers, XBMC is a non-profit project run and developed by volunteers located around the world. More than 50 software developers have contributed to XBMC, and 100-plus translators have worked to expand its reach, making it available in more than 30 languages.
While XBMC functions very well as a standard media player application for your computer, it has been designed to be the perfect companion for your HTPC. Supporting an almost endless range of remote controls, and combined with its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, XBMC feels very natural to use from the couch and is the ideal solution for your home theater.
Currently XBMC can be used to play almost all popular audio and video formats around. It was designed for network playback, so you can stream your multimedia from anywhere in the house or directly from the internet using practically any protocol available. Use your media as-is: XBMC can play CDs and DVDs directly from the disk or image file, almost all popular archive formats from your hard drive, and even files inside ZIP and RAR archives. It will even scan all of your media and automatically create a personalized library complete with box covers, descriptions, and fanart. There are playlist and slideshow functions, a weather forecast feature and many audio visualizations. Once installed, your computer will become a fully functional multimedia jukebox.
It is difficult to put into words all that XBMC can do, head to the gallery to see some examples, or take the plunge and Try it Toda
mythtv דומה למוצג הקודם
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We like to think of MythTV as the ultimate Digital Video Recorder and home media center hub. Think of it as a Free and Open Source alternative to Windows Media Center or Tivo. It started out in 2002 as a way for Isaac Richards to produce a better TV-viewing environment than his cable company's digital cable box could provide, and through the help of the open source community quickly grew into a powerful tool for watching and recording television. With its plugin architecture, it has been transformed from a mere TV viewing application into a full home media center suite, capable of managing your personal photo, video, and music collections, as well as keep you up to date with the weather, a ZoneMinder home security system, and much, much more.
MythTV Features
Watch and record analog and/or digital TV, including HDTV.
Pause, skip, and rewind live TV shows.
Completely automatic commercial detection/skipping, with manual correction via an intuitive cutlist editor.
Intelligently schedules recordings to avoid conflicts.
Parental controls to keep your kids out of the good shows.
Watch and archive DVDs.
Listen to your digital music collection.
Schedule and administer many functions remotely via a web browser.
Flexible client/server architecture allows multiple frontend client machines to access content served by one or more backend servers (although the most common installation consists of a single computer running both the client and server together).
Many more...
Though MythTV was initially written to run only on the Linux operating system, BSD and MacOS X are also well supported, and it has recently become possible to build a version that can run on Microsoft Windows. We are constantly working to bring MythTV to as many users as possible, regardless of your preferred operating system.
The backend server application runs the core "behind the scenes" functionality for MythTV. The bulk of this is taken up by scheduling and recording your TV shows, but also includes keeping your TV listings up to date, managing the database, and performing routine maintenance on any files generated in the recording process. Backend servers are also responsible for streaming recording files to any remote frontends that do not have direct access to them.
Having a separate backend application allows ambitious users to split their MythTV setup between different locations best suited to each task. For instance, a powerful (i.e. large and noisy) server to host recording files and hardware, hidden away in a closet, and a minimal (i.e. small and quiet) frontend machine kept next to the TV.
The frontend client is the human interface to MythTV. This is where you watch TV, listen to music, etc. Each frontend communicates with one or more backend servers in order to determine which recorded shows are available to be watched, or which TV tuners are available to watch live TV.
In addition to this, the frontend also provides access to system status, the TV listings guide (so you can schedule new recordings), upcoming shows that will be recorded, and much more. If you install plugins like MythMusic and MythVideo (so you can watch a DVD or listen to music), you will also see these listed in the frontend. As you can see from the table of contents for this guide, there are many plugins to choose from.
MythTV is maintained by Isaac Richards, who maintains loose leadership and guidance over the dozens of other developers who each work on one or more pieces that make up the software suite.
גם CUBEREVODIGITAL קבלה החלטה דומה שלא התקבלה יפה על ידי כל המפתחים שלה בעולם
IDELGO המפתח הראשי של הקבוצה החליט להוציא חלק גדול מהקוד לפיתוח ממיר פתוח
ועכשיו ניתן לראות אתר באינטרנט המציע את כל מה שצריכים לפיתוח
אבל זה לא מספיק לכל מי שרכש את הממיר והם רוצים הכול או לא כלום
כל הזכיות שמורות לקהילת הלווין הישראלית SATWORLD.US
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MM: Enigma2 now "closed source"
The previously available as open source GUI project Enigma2 , which was originally developed by Dream Multimedia, has today a closed source . Project
Dream Multimedia, the source code of the official Dreambox Enigma2 from GIT repository has removed .
This Now can the community do not create "custom images" more.
Enigma2 is a graphical user interface (English GUI) for Linux-based digital receiver, which was released with the launch of 7025.
now it was possible the current state of development of Dream Multimedia from a public GIT repository to check out, and the GUI for their own purposes remodel or add new features.
Enigma2 receiver has been ported to several other platforms. scene news
נערך לאחרונה על-ידי satworld בתאריך Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:56 am, סך-הכל נערך 3 פעמים