מודיעה על שדרוגים בממירים
הכוונה לממירים החדשים
7020HD ואילך
800 HD
500 HD
החברה תוציא מהמחזור את כל הממירים הישנים ותשווק רק דגמים חדשים מאוד
בעיקר כאלה שלא ניתן לזייף לעת עתה
הזכרון פלאש ישודרג ל 1GB
הזכרון יוכלו ל 512MB
מעכשיו זה יהיה דומה ממירים של VU SOLO2+
Hardware Update for Dreambox
Scheduled for release Image -2.0
Hong Kong, 18 July 2013. Leontech, responsible for the distribution of Linux-based set-top boxes of the brand Dreambox Dreambox launches three existing models with improved hardware on the market. Both the DM500 HD DM800 HD se and the DM7020 HD and get new memory, with which the performance of the award-winning devices is increased. For the second generation of this Dreamboxen also a release for the Image is software -2.0 published.
So far, a 64 Mbyte Flash memory has been in the DM500 HD DM800 HD se and installed. The RAM was 256 MB. The new hardware components of the flash is increased in both Dreamboxen to 1 GB. The memory is doubled to 512 MB. The higher storage capacity users can install many more plugins and other extensions and thus extend the functionality of their Dreambox.
Thus, the compact and the DM500 HD DM800 HD se about the same storage capacity as the DM7020 HD. These Dreambox is equipped with new memory modules, since the modules previously used are no longer available.
Due to the new hardware in the legend boxes of the second generation Leontech will provide a release for the software Image -2.0. Previously existed only a beta version of the software that supports the HbbTV standard, among other things.
Leontech spokesman Louis Lee: "With the hardware update, we bring the HD DM500 and DM800 HD se on the current state of the art. By expanding the storage capacity, users can better adjust your Dreambox to his needs.