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גולן טלקום החלה בהרשמה ל"גולן בוקס" - ממיר טלוויזיה, אינטרנט וטלפון

Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:45 pm על ידי יוחנן המדביר הלאומי

גולן טלקום החלה בהרשמה ל"גולן בוקס" - ממיר טלוויזיה, אינטרנט וטלפון

גולן טלקום פונה לטריפל: חברת הסלולר פתחה אתר להרשמה מוקדמת לקבלת מידע על חבילה הכוללת ממיר טלוויזיה, אינטרנט וטלפוניה. מדובר בצעד שיווקי שכן המחירים טרם …

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שמוש בצלחת ישנה של יס

Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:03 pm על ידי davidh2

יש לי צלחת עם עינית של יס (אני מנותק מיס) שמחוברת לממיר. אני קולט טוב את הערוצים החופשיים בעיברית , המזרח התכון ועוד תחנת חדשות רוסית באנגלית.
האם ניתן בעזרת אותה עינית לקלוט לווין נוסף בעל תחנות חופשיות באנגלית?
אם כל …

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פורום זה פתוח רק לחברי קהילת הלווין הישראלית בלבד

Sun May 22, 2011 3:07 pm על ידי satworld

פורום זה פתוח רק לחברי קהילת הלווין הישראלית בלבד
מי שלא חבר לא רואה את כל הפורום או לא יכול להכנס אליו
חובה רישום בפורום ומשלוח 10 הודעות בפורום
הקבלה לקהילה היא על תנאי .
כל עוד מכבדים את התקנון ותקנות הקהילה .
עם החברות …

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ממיר המאפשר קליטת כל הערוצים הפרוצים כיום ללא שיתןף

Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:15 pm על ידי tomer_1968

איזה ממירים קיימים  התומכים בקליטת הערוצים הפרוצים כיום   האם קיוב קפה למשל תומך בכך תודה
צריך לקנות ממיר HD

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מבצע ההתקנות צלחת לווין יוצא לדרך עם עדיפות לחברי הקהילה

Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:40 am על ידי satworld

המבצע מיועד לחברי הקהילה
התקנת צלחות לווין לחברי הקהילה
המבצעת AME
בכל הארץ
טכנאים מטעם החברה עם אחריות של שנה
3שנים אחריות שנים לצלחות הלווין
שנה לדיסק
3.שנים אחריות שנים לכבלים

התקנת 2 צלחות עם 8 לווינים
צלחת מטר 1

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TOPFEILD 7700-7070 פעם ראשונה בעולם בשיתוף תודה ל DAVA

Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:30 am על ידי tizinabi

פעם ראשונה בעולם הצלחנו להפעיל שיתוף על טופפילד 7700HD
השיתוף שפועל הוא CAMD3
כולל HD
מנהל פרוייקט DVD מוריס ואושר
תודה ענקית ל DAVA שעשה ימים כלילות בכדי להפעיל אותו ולמדנו רבות מניסיונו
הרסנו ממיר HD אחד כזה במלך …

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ערוצי הסקס בלווינים:

Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:53 am על ידי ROYALCONDOM

ערוצי הסקס בלווינים:

בתדר 11938 H -יש 4 ערוצי Redlight
בתדר 12092 H - יש 6 ערוצי SEX של חבילת Satisfaction


בתדר 11411 H - יש ערוץ Dorcel האיכותי וכן 5 ערוצי Sex On
בתדר 11727 V - יש 5 ערוצי Satisfaction (נסרקים בשם S1...S5 )
בתדר 12207 H - יש 2 ערוצי Free X ו Free X2
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תקנון פורום קהילת הלווין הישראלית

Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:34 pm על ידי satworld

תקנון פורום קהילת הלווין הישראלית.
גולש יקר,
אנו מודים לך על כי בחרת להיכנס לאתר ולפורום היחיד של קהילת הלווין הישראלית "SATWORLD.TK" ו/או לכל עמוד ו/או מדור שלו, בין אם הכניסה אליהם היא דרך שם מתחם (Domain Name) www.SATWORLD.TKובין אם …

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maiai kohen

Sun Apr 03, 2022 1:15 am על ידי Anonymous

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Al Jazeera Sports win Premier League rights

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Al Jazeera Sports win Premier League rights

Al Jazeera Sports revealed through screens Friday evening that acquired the global rights of the Premier League

Al Jazeera Sports won the rights to broadcast English Premier League beginning from next year and until 2016, making it the Premier League exclusively on Al Jazeera Sports

Noteworthy that the Premier League was broadcast on Abu Dhabi Sports channels exclusively,sofien72tu
However, Al Jazeera has managed to win their rights beginning of next season.

It is not known yet if it will be broadcast on 13 East or kept to 7 West.



Premier League announces audio-visual rights
Live audio-visual rights in the UK for 2013/14 to 2015/16 are revealed by Premier League
BSkyB secured packages totalling 116 matches, with BT securing packages totalling 38 matches

The Premier League has concluded the sales process for the seven packages of live audio-visual rights for transmission in the UK during seasons 2013/14 to 2015/16.

The seven packages – five of 26 matches and two of 12 matches – totalling 154 matches were awarded on the following basis:

- BSkyB has secured packages B, C, D, E and F totalling 116 matches.

- BT has secured packages A and G totalling 38 matches.

The overall value delivered for the seven packages following the structured and independently scrutinised sales process is £3.018 billion.

Premier League Chief Executive, Richard Scudamore, said: "The Barclays Premier League continues to provide excellent football and enthralling drama as we saw last season. The value this drives for our rightsholders is evident and we are extremely pleased that this has been realised for our UK live rights.

"As ever, the security provided by broadcast revenues will enable our clubs to continue to invest in all aspects of their football activities and plan sustainably for the foreseeable future. This deal allows them to keep delivering what fans want; top quality football in some of world’s best club stadia and an increasing focus on and commitment to areas such as Youth Development.
"The continuing support of BSkyB for Premier League football is significant beyond the revenues delivered; the longevity and quality of their commitment has done much for the English game as a whole. We are very happy to see this relationship maintained for another three seasons.

"We welcome BT as a new Premier League broadcast partner. They are a substantial British company that is at the leading edge of technology and infra-structure development. They are clearly investing in quality content to use on their platforms and when combined with the reach and pull of Premier League football they will deliver new ways in which fans will be able to follow the competition.

"These are exciting times for both the football and media worlds and we should all be proud of the value both industries contribute to the UK culturally and economically.

"I would also like to place on record the Premier League's thanks to the numerous other highly credible bidders that showed such interest in the live UK rights."

The deal represents an increase of £1.25bn on the current broadcast settlement, which shares rights between BSkyB and ESPN.

After the TV rights announcement, Scudamore expressed his belief that the revenue generated by the deal will help the Premier League continue to have competition from top to bottom.

"The money is not just put into the hands of the top three or four clubs," he added. "The way this money is divided means our smallest clubs are able to compete and, on a match-to-match basis, take on the big clubs.

"In our league that happens more than anywhere else and as long as we can still have teams in the bottom three beating teams in the top three every season then we have a compelling competition. And as long as that continues, people will continue to want to invest in buying that content."
Scudamore also said this news will assist Barclays Premier League teams when they compete against clubs from other countries which do not have the same method of selling television rights.

“Our challenge under a collective selling model is to try to make sure that our top clubs are able to compete with the top clubs that have got an individual selling model,” he said.

“I am pleased that this will take our clubs up a notch closer to those clubs who benefit from that individual selling model, say in Spain.”

Scudamore added that one of the major benefits of the new contract will be to provide financial security for Premier League clubs until 2016.

"The idea that you can plan with some certainty what your revenues are going to be for the next four years is a very, very useful thing in terms of creating stability," he said.

"You need money in football to invest, firstly in playing talent and therefore an element of this of course will enable clubs to do that.

"But I think we are entering a new era in football, with Financial Fair Play and with general attention to cost constraint, and therefore I am really hoping that it will get invested in other things besides just playing talent, things like stadia infrastructure and youth development.

"It will enable some teams to retain and attract talent but it should also be able to achieve sustainability. That’s the most important thing, that clubs can become ever more sustainable on the basis of this."
(source -http://www.premierleague.com/en-gb/news/news/2012-13/jun/premier-league-announces-audio-visual-rights.html)



We know BSkyB & BT have been fighting it out for the rights on 28East mate.

Al Jazeera Sport aren't on that. They are on 13 East and 7 West and are a really cheap subscription like ART was back in the day!

JSC will be renamed BEin Sports Arabia during the summer when all the HD Channels will be launched.

And it looks like the card will be paired with the receiver from 2014 onwards.

But if they do broadcast on 13 East ( Which I find it hard to believe with the FA involved ) the Reciever & Card won't be as dear as Murdoch's surely going by current pricing.

I think IPTV could be needed very soon!



Why IPTV ?
There is too much money involved with cs, and what ever happens with encryptions if its important enough it will be cracked
Maybe a few years ago I would have seen an end to cs, but given the open source and chinese involvement I can not see IPTV being required at any time in the near future.
The quality of IPTV even at todays broadband speeds, is rubbish and will never be as good as satellite.

My guess will be jsc screen it on 7w because making a new pairing system now with the amount of cards that are out there would cost a fortune and would lose too many customers



Why IPTV ?
There is too much money involved with cs, and what ever happens with encryptions if its important enough it will be cracked
Maybe a few years ago I would have seen an end to cs, but given the open source and chinese involvement I can not see IPTV being required at any time in the near future.
The quality of IPTV even at todays broadband speeds, is rubbish and will never be as good as satellite.

My guess will be jsc screen it on 7w because making a new pairing system now with the amount of cards that are out there would cost a fortune and would lose too many customers
Because with new encryptions mate its going to be hard to break them!

People said that about Total TV and it has never been opened via CS well at least not publically, so its either a black screen or a IPTV. ( Proper IPTV not via a silly website )

Regarding the JSC cards, the renewals of the cards are finishing from the 1st of January 2014, this is publically known for a few months now if you haven't seen it.

LONDON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Television sports rights business MP & Silva has trumped larger rivals Abu Dhabi Media (ADM) and Al Jazeera to win a three-year contract to distribute English Premier League soccer in the Middle East and North Africa.
The Premier League announced the agreement with the international media agency on Thursday, the latest in a series of rights deals expected to bring the League a total windfall of more than 5 billion pounds ($7.9 billion) in 2013 though 2016.
ADM previously held the rights and had been expected to fight hard to retain them, since Premier League Champions Manchester City are owned by Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, a member of Abu Dhabi's ruling family.
Qatar-based Al Jazeera has also been building up its sports broadcasting business, launching channels in France and the United States, and had been expecting to bid strongly for the Premier League rights in its home region.
MP & Silva CEO Andrea Radrizzani said the big two broadcasters did not bid as aggressively as he had feared.
"Our price was quite near what ADM paid in the past," Radrizzani told Reuters. "Even though the price was quite high, we thought it was killer content for the region."
The rights cover all 380 Premier League matches per season and extend across 23 countries from Iran to Morocco, taking in the United Arab Emirates and Egypt.
Having bought the rights, MP & Silva will seek to do its own deals with broadcasters in the region to show live action.
Viewers in some countries may not need to adjust their television sets to receive new channels because MP & Silva plans to negotiate with ADM and Al Jazeera.
The Premier League is the richest in the world in terms of TV revenue and outperforms Spanish and German rivals when it comes to selling overseas.
"There is a lot of appetite for football and the Premier League is the best league in the world," said Radrizzani.
"The format is very good for the region in terms of time slots at the weekend," he added
JSC cards website sent out an email out to its resellers last month

Just in,
Aljazeera have now put a hold on the pairing of boxes / renewals until the 31/12/13.
You can renew til after the 31/12/13 but there is NO more info available,
Word is this will be the box used from whats been going around the arab forums

New proprietary box (based upon Humax ICord Entavio) with Hardware ID married to card and the ethernet port disabled.
Al Jazeera Sports win Premier League rights AttachmentAl Jazeera Sports win Premier League rights Attachment


satworld master

I can't agree with your sentiment that streams or IPTV are 'rubbish'. Some of the Russian stream are 4000kps and look HD in quality. Granted they are not as excellent as a proper Sly sat HD picture, but saying that they are rubbish is very much wrong.

As broadband speeds get increasingly faster the picture quality on these streams will only get better. I've been watching games like this for a couple of years, with others watching with me, and no one has ever complained about quality.

As prices rise and if CS gets problems in the future, streams are certainly not going away, they will only get better.


satworld manager pro

I agree I know a local pub with the Abu Dhabi Sports and Al Jaeera Packs on IPTV.

Granted they ain't up to the HD spec of a proper cardshare from Sky, but they sure are good enough when you want to watch a match!


satworld hero

Where do you think the streams come from ? well the free ones anyway
I have never sat and watched any streamed television that even comes close to a satellite feed and believe me my internet is quick

As I said before, there is far too much money involved in cs, and once the major players go as they did a cpl of years ago, then the big guns will be out to get it back. You have to remember one thing, if its viewable from a viewing card it can be cracked and the people who stand to lose too much money will ensure it is cracked.

We have had cs knockers , doom and gloom merchants spouting " the end is nigh " for years, and in that time new methods such as cache / csp / have evolved plus all the new emulators.

Lets not start a panic lol because I for one am fully confident that cs is here to stay. And until IPTV improves ( if thats possible ) viewing sports will never compare to HD or 3D quality supplied via an LNB


satworld hero

Have you an IPTV box from Abu Dhabi Sports, Al Jazeera or Rostelecom?

The IPTV we're talking about mate are the official ones. No the shi*ty streams you find on the internet or plugins for a dreambox.

The IPTV released by the actual providers. Not off some muppet with a dreambox and a few ports open with a dns connecting to a streaming site.

CSP isn't an emulator so it can't do much to be fair, its just a java based programme, any cards connected to it need to be read by an EMU like Oscam/CCcam/etc.

The Oscam team have already said they aren't interested in cracking some of the new encryption so I wouldn't be as hopeful as you at this point.

I wouldn't ditch too many people's comments as a lot of it is relevant.

Just doing some searches there Abu Dhabi Sports via IPTV is freely available in the uk with sellers setting up Arabic IP's for the clients!



I did not say csp was an emulator, and I do not ditch peoples comments as rubbish and I stand by what I said. CS will go on simply because of the money involved for the suppliers of boxes and pay servers. I have not had or want the IPTV you mention, as all they show is available via satellite mate, and in much better quality
As for OSCAM, it is now open source mate and many different people are involved in this now. Its not down to the same few as it was for years.
To be honest I am a little surprised that you think CS is dead or on its last legs lol


satworld master

This is my take on what might happen
The broadcast of JSC sports will most probably continue on 13e but with strict rules surrounding saturday 3pm kick off's. They will more than likely only be allowed to show 1 game and with native commentary.
The rest of the week will be ok, as the strict rules imposed by the PL only apply to saturday 3pm games.
The PL is also looking to move as many games away from saturday 3pm times which would be good news for all concerned, as the games can then be aired.

At present JSC cards are not paired to any reciever but this is also going to change at some point this year or 2014. Renewal of cards has also been extended up until dec 2013 which could mean they need more time to roll out the new pairing system

We will all wait to see what pans out with this one, and it will be very interesting to see the battle for birds. IPTV has already made a huge impact on televised football which the PL are well aware of, so preventing any broadcaster from using big birds that can be recieved accross europe seems a waste of time to me
Time will tell


satworld master

you can get the premiere league from here

pm me for more info

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